Sterling Street Reconstruction and Drainage Improvements
The project site is along the causeway that crosses the “Thomas Basin” portion of the Wachusett Reservoir and adjacent areas.
First filled in 1908, the Wachusett Reservoir is the second largest body of water in the state of Massachusetts and is part of the water supply system for metropolitan Boston maintained by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). It has an aggregate capacity of 65 billion US gallons and an area of almost 7 square miles. The reservoir has a maximum depth of 120 feet and a mean depth of 48 feet.
The work performed under this contract consisted of the construction of stormwater best management practices (BMP’s), earthwork, proposed drainage pipe, proposed drainage structures, existing drainage structure modifications, proposed water main installation, proposed sidewalk and curbing installation, roadway milling and resurfacing,
The stormwater drainage improvements were designed to protect the Wachusett Reservoir from Accidental spills and non-point source pollution.
One stormwater treatment area is a gravel wetland located to the southeast of the Route 140/12 causeway on DCR property near a utility easement in a partly forested and flat open grass area. The second stormwater treatment area is a bioretention area basin located to the northwest of the Route 12/140 causeway on DCR property in a meadow area adjacent to a DCR park. Both stormwater BMPs are equipped with lined forebays capable of storing accidental spills prior to discharge into the treatment areas and ultimately the Wachusett Reservoir.
J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc.
50 Lynch Place
Cumberland, RI 02864
(401) 333-4300
(800) 545-9624
FAX: (401) 333-2659