Kelley Square Worcester
Occupying a central point at which seven streets meet, Kelley Square hosts a bustling urban environment full of businesses, on-street parking, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, and through traffic. VHB worked with MassDOT and the greater Worcester community to develop a Hybrid Roundabout, creating a solution that clearly defined traffic patterns.
In creating the new Hybrid Roundabout, VHB developed safety and multimodal enhancements, including significant improvements to pedestrian facilities with a combination of separated bike lanes and shared-use paths. The project team also worked with the local Worcester Regional Transit Authority to better understand the ridership trends for the area to determine the best places for bus stops. The clearer definition and delineation of traffic movements, calmer vehicular traffic, and significantly enhanced accommodation for non-vehicular users enhanced neighborhood connectivity, allowing for improved access to the businesses surrounding Kelley Square.
J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc.
50 Lynch Place
Cumberland, RI 02864
(401) 333-4300
(800) 545-9624
FAX: (401) 333-2659