Landfill Closure No. 4 Barrington
Barrington, RI
Town of Barrington
12 Months
Lynch recently completed a landfill soil cap, passive gas ventilation system, stormwater management facilities and miscellaneous site improvements for closure of the former Barrington Landfill No. 4 in Barrington, RI.
Lynch submitted a successful bid proposal in May of 2018 to close the former Barrington Landfill No. 4 in Barrington, RI. Environmental regulations have discontinued use of this site as a landfill, and require that the facility be closed with a soil cap, passive gas vetilation system, geotextile warning barrier, and loaming and seeding of the 10-acre site. Lynch is utilizing the latest in GPS technology in our fleet of earthmoving equipment to insure that the project is installed to correct lines and grades in accordance with project specifications and schedule so that the landfill can converted into a facility to host track & field throwing events for the Barrington High School.

J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc.
50 Lynch Place
Cumberland, RI 02864

(401) 333-4300
(800) 545-9624
FAX: (401) 333-2659