Tiverton Landfill Closure
J.H Lynch & Sons Inc (Lynch) was contracted by the town of Tiverton to perform the capping of the Tiverton landfill. Scope of work for the 40-acre site consisted of preparation and submission of project submittals, mobilization, installation of erosion and sediment controls. Site preparation, clearing, grubbing and demolition, subgrade preparation, installation of 6” bedding layer, geotextile filter fabric, installation of passive gas ventilation system, ClosureTurf™ final cover system.
Stormwater improvements including diversion berms, box culvert installation, rip rap, dry swales, bioretention areas, detention areas, sediment forebays, and stone ditches and check dams. Miscellaneous site improvements including groundwater monitoring well modifications, access road construction, and landscaping restoration. Lynch utilized the latest in GPS technology for the fleet of earthmoving equipment to ensure that the project was installed to correct lines and grades in accordance with the project specifications and schedule so that the landfill could be converted into green open space.
J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc.
50 Lynch Place
Cumberland, RI 02864
(401) 333-4300
(800) 545-9624
FAX: (401) 333-2659