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Old Men of Menotomy Marker 1878

The Old Men of Menotomy Marker commemorates the group of twelve “old men” considered unfit for military duty, who met at Cooper’s Tavern and formulated a plan to capture a

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American Revolution Memorial & April 19th Muster Plaque 1900

Shirley’s American Revolution Memorial sits prominently in front of the Shirley Center Cemetery, recognizing the local Patriots who fought against the British at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775.

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Meriam’s Corner Monument 1885

A granite monument at Meriam’s Corner in Concord, MA marks the starting point of the running battle

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Isaac Davis Monument 1851

Standing on Acton’s town common, a seventy-five-foot granite obelisk commemorates Revolutionary War hero Captain Isaac Davis, the first officer to fall at the Concord fight. It also honors two of

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