Our Community

At Voyager, we are working to treat – and eventually cure – neurological diseases. This is no easy task. Diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS are unmet needs because no one has conquered them…yet. When you walk in our doors, you feel the buzz of innovation, you hear the hum of collaboration, and you feel the rush of urgency, because we know patients are waiting.

Here’s a glimpse inside the Voyager community, where the energy and intellect each of us brings adds to our collective identity.

Voyager’s employee resource group wAve (Women at Voyager Engage) runs an annual mentor program. Mentor-Mentee pair Rachel (left) and Usman (right) have their bi-weekly one-on-one.

Voyagers spent an afternoon volunteering at Cradles to Crayons and prepared clothing packages for children in need.

Voyagers were proud to support the Huntington’s Disease Society of America annual 1970s themed fundraiser.

Voyagers celebrating Diwali with diya painting and festivities open to all, organized by the Barrier Breakers, Voyager’s employee resource group dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Voyager was proud to display our new logo at the Chalk on the Walk event benefitting the Rotary Club of Cambridge.
Voyager welcomed guest speakers from the Alzheimer’s Association at an all-employee Town Hall.

Diversity at Voyager

Diversity is the acknowledgement of the experiences that make us unique as well as the appreciation for our entire person. Diversity is achieved through mutual respect, especially when there are differences in views and thoughts. We are eager to learn more about identities that vary by race, ethnicity, social background, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, and national origin. We also recognize that diversity is inherently intersectional, with identities that have yet to be defined or are an amalgamation of several. Join us, teach us, and allow us to learn from you. Because at Voyager, we are better together.