As a result of a newly established joint residency program in Emergency Medicine and Emergency Nursing between Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), one of B+MD’s long‐term clients, B+MD was asked by GPHC to develop a master plan for the expansion and replacement of their Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department. B+MD developed a conceptual phasing plan for the new A&E, which led to GPHC requesting that B+MD develop a facilities masterplan considering future growth opportunities for clinical and medical education facilities, and evaluation of existing infrastructure.
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As a result of a newly established joint residency program in Emergency Medicine and Emergency Nursing between Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), one of B+MD’s long‐term clients, B+MD was asked by GPHC to develop a master plan for the expansion and replacement of their Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department. B+MD developed a conceptual phasing plan for the new A&E, which led to GPHC requesting that B+MD develop a facilities masterplan considering future growth opportunities for clinical and medical education facilities, and evaluation of existing infrastructure.
B+MD conducted site surveys, interviews with the Ministry of Public Health, and GPHC administration and medical leadership, to assist in the development of standards for which the future facilities would be designed. It was determined that in order to meet GPHC’s vision to be the regional referral healthcare center for tertiary and quaternary care, growth and modernization of the main hospital campus would be necessary. As funding would largely rely on donor contributions and uncommitted government funding, B+MD developed three masterplan options which could be aligned with available funding and aid in the anticipated donor campaign.
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